Hindu gods

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The three Hindu Gods were Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Together, these three gods are called Trimurti. Brahma, the first of the three, is considered to be the creator of the world and all creatures in it. Do not confuse Brahma with Brahman, though, because they are two different gods. While Brahma is the god in charge of creation of the world and all creatures, Brahman is the supreme god. The next god is Vishnu. Vishnu's role as a god was to protect and preserve the universe. In troubled times, Vishnu is supposed to return to earth and restore balance between good and evil. Vishnu has appeared in 9 different incarnations, and his tenth appearance has already been predicted. The last of the three gods, Shiva, is the destroyer. Shiva is responsible for balancing the world through loss. He has to make sure that people die when it is needed and that enough people die to keep a balance in the population. He is responsible for destroying the ego so people don't think higher of themselves than others, and for destroying bad habits. These three gods make up the Trimurti, which is the way that the supreme god, Brahman, is expressed.




Manual Pgs. 132-133

-Evan Hammerman