History of Computers - Integrated Circuit

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Page created by Daniel Flowers


The integrated circuit is possibly one of the most revolutionary inventions due to its widespread use in almost every single electronic.



First conceived in the mid 20th century, integrated circuits, also known as the chip, became one of the leading inventions in decreasing the size of objects while increasing the output. The integrated circuit does just this. By placing transistors, resistors, capacitors and all the connecting wiring onto a single chip[1], Jack Kilbyand Robert Noyceboth independently created[2] what some consider to be a milestone marker in computer history. First released into computer production in 1961, the integrated circuit made its way into not only modern computers, but also into the nuclear arsenal of minutemen missiles and soon every electronic afterwards.


The Integrated circuit has made its way into almost every electronic appliance. The microchip has made it possible to make things like gameboys and laptops without having to have tons of separate parts where all thats needed is a single chip. Another huge development in the microchip is its relatively low cost of production, which means that you can get one in almost anything without the price increasing.

See Also

  1. History of Computers - TTL
  2. History of Computers - Semiconductors
  3. History of Computers - Transistors

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