History of Computers - KDKA

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KDKA was the first commercial radio station and it began the age of radio. [1]


KDKA began in 1920 as the first commercially licensed radio station. Its first broadcast was the results of the presidential election in 1920 [2].


KDKA began the age of radio and proved that it could be a commercially viable business to enter into. It continued the trend which was started about 10 years earlier with the first wireless telegraph in bringing people news and information wirelessly. That trend has continued to today with cellphones that can access the internet, receive automatic text messages about breaking news, and receive wireless email. Also, although KADA was an AM radio that mostly broadcast talk shows[2], it was also a predecessor for FM radio, which in turn helped begin the age of digital music. Many MP3 players, such as the Microsoft Zune and the Apple iPod Nano have FM radio capabilities. Today, many radio stations (Both AM and FM, including KDKA[3]) have a live stream of their broadcast available on their websites. This allows people without a radio to still listen to the radio and shows how integrated radio and computer technologies have become.




  1. How Computers Work by Ron White
  2. 2.0 2.1 http://kdka.cbslocal.com/
  3. http://www.fcc.gov/fcc-bin/amq?call=KDKA