History of Computers - Twitter

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Twitter is a social networking site created in March 2008 by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass. Messages are posted onto a public platform and can contain 140 (Now 280 in 2017) [1] characters, links, photo, and video.


Twitter is a social networking service that allows people to write a 140-character message, tweet, about whatever they feel like saying. Twitter uses an open-source Web framework called Ruby on Rails (RoR). The API is open and available to application developers. Twitter has taken the modern age by storm, and has purchased another popular company called Vine, a video sharing platform and in December of 2017, shut down the Vine App as a whole. It has been at the center of many feuds and drama in pop culture. It also is the premier stage for top of the line memes. Twitter might be a place for fun and games, but it also serves a serious purpose. News spreads a lot faster due to the invention of Twitter. A lot of businesses use Twitter as an outlet to advertise their merchandise.



Twitter is still a leading social media platform today that gives the world an opportunity to gather together as a community for equally bad and good motives.





  1. https://money.cnn.com/2017/11/07/technology/twitter-280-character-limit/