Lab Results for OSPP

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These results are off we'll change them...pinky promise (b/c we didn't divide the chord by 2.)

2. Multicolor: the place where the color changes is where a decay occurs. After three or four times it becomes all one color so no decay occured. 3.

In[1]:= ((796^2) + (141^2))/(2*141)

In[3]:= 653497/282.

Out[3]= 2317.37

3. Radius is 2317.37 cm.

In[5]:= .3*.5*2317.37

Out[5]= 347.605

Transverse momentum is 347.605 MeV/c.

In[6]:= .3*.5*0

Out[6]= 0

Pz is 0.


In[7]:= ((347.605^2) - (30^2))/60

Out[7]= 1998.82

4. Mass equals 1998.82 MeV/(c^2). The closest particle with the same mass was a negative D meson.

5. The magnetic field was increased one KeG.

In[9]:= ((350^2) + ( 53^2))/(2 (53.))

Out[9]= 1182.16

5. The radius is 1182.16 cm.

In[10]:= .3*1*1182.16

Out[10]= 354.648

5. The Pt is 354.648 MeV/c.

In[11]:= ((Out[10]^2) - (30^2))/60

Out[11]= 2081.25

5. The rest mass is 2081.25 MeV/c^2. This is about the same mass as before.

In[13]:= ((360^2) + (55^2))/(2*55.)

Out[13]= 1205.68

6. The radius is 1205.68 cm.

In[14]:= .3*1*Out[13]

Out[14]= 361.705

6. The Pt is 361.705 MeV/c.

In[15]:= ((Out[14]^2) - (30^2))/60

Out[15]= 2165.5

6. The mass is 2165.5 MeV/c^2. They are almost identicle but particle two is positive.