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Moksha by Caroline Ramirez

Before the Harappa civilization collapsed, the Indians living during that time focused on severals practices as a opposed to one. Their highest goal is called Moksha. Moksha means liberation from samsara. Liberation from samsara means to free oneself from the cycle of life and death. One can obtain it by forming a union with God. This means that this person needs to conquer ignorance and desire, connecting the individual soul to the Supreme soul (God). Other than freedom from the cycle of life and death, the result is an eternal life of joy and positivity. Overall, Moksha helps people think less of themselves by creating a bond with God, eliminating the process of life and death.


Information Sources: Manual-131,134, Moksha: Liberation/Salvation [[1]], Moksha [[2]]

Picture Sources: Moksha Painting [[3]],

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