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Bible's Israel Workbook Page 2 Question 3

Question: What, if anything, about this setting can help you better understand the significance of this site to Jews and Christians today?

This setting explains why this site is so important because it gives a real life location and image to a story that could merely be mythological. It shows that, whether or not Moses was given the 10 Commandments or even there, it is set in a specific, real world location called Mt. Sinai. It creates a feeling of reality and truth to surround the story of the Exodus because it has been pinpointed to a specific location. The fact that a monastery had been built at the foot of Mt. Sinai only proves further that people of the Christian and Jewish faith believe that this was the sight of great miracles, the sight where the laws for all people were given to Moses. Because these laws are still followed today, this location and the story behind it must be incredibly revered in these two faiths.

