Theravada, Mahayana and Vajarana Buhhism

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There are three main kinds of Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. All three have different interpretations of their religion. Theravada buddhists follow the teachings of the original buddha closely, Though they view buddha as perfect, they believed he was only human. They also believe that it is harder to become enlightened if you are not a monk. Mahayana buddhists believe they can pray to the buddha, who's exists in the past, present and future. They also believe that some people who can become enlightened choose not to so that they can help others. Those people are called bodhisattvas. Like the Theravada, they use the Tripitaka, a holy book. The Mahayana do not believe it is necessary to become a monk. Vajrayana buddhists believe in chanting while meditating. This type of buddhism is popular in tibet. It's leader is the Dalai Lama.


Sources: Page 139 lm

Julien Fenouil