Three goddesses.

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Don't forget Sarawasti as Brahma's consort.

The three Hindu goddesses, Parvati, Durga, and Kali, are all associated with Shiva. Parvati, the dark-skinned wife of Shiva, complements the passionate side of him, representing the Shakti, emobodying the total energy in the universe. Durga is a warrior with ten arms who rides a lion or a tiger. She carries weapons and assumes mudras, also known as symbolic hand gestures. She is a representation of Shiva's destructive side. Kali is the form of the mother goddess that is fearful and fierce. She has four arms, a sword in one hand and the head of a demon in the other. Two dead heads make up her earrings, her necklace is made by a string of skulls, and she wears a belt made of human hands. Kali is known as the destroyer of evil, her black complexion "symbolizing her all-embracing and transcendental nature."

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Manual Page 133-134 Grace Hansen