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Harun al-Rashid was the caliph who ruled during the high point of the Abbasid dynasty. He ruled from 786-809 C.E. After Rashid's death, his sons fought over who should become the next caliph. In addition to disputes amongst his sons, provincial governors began to act independently from caliph rule. Some of these governors went so far as to secede from the Abbasid dynasty. Also, uprisings and peasant rebellions contributed to the downfall of the dynasty. As the caliphs lost more and more power, they soon became more of figureheads, rather than actual rulers. When the Saljuq Turks entered Baghdad, the caliphs decided to become allies with the Saljuqs. The Saljuqs would eventually begin to convert to Islam. By the mid 11th century, the Saljuqs had full control over the Abbasid government. The Saljuqs gained so much power, that they would go on to extend their authority to Syria, Palestine, and Anatolia. The Saljuq "sultan" would become the ultimate source of power in the Abbasid realm.

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