What differences in ways of living developed during the Patriarchial period?

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The Patriarchal Period was dominated by a nomadic way of life in which the tribes of Israel wandered far and wide in to places as far and wide as Mesopotamia and Egypt. The first part of this period was marked by the actual movement of the Hebrews out of the Mesopotamian region. This was considered a great move as the region was falling apart in warfare. The movement into new land, the "promised land" was lead by a man deemed Abraham to whom all Hebrews trace their roots. He was allegedly chosen for his unwavering faith in G-d, and, as the story goes, he almost sacrificed his son when asked to by G-d, but it turned out to just be a test of faith. Abraham completely altered the Hebrews' way of living by leading the migration away from the falling Mesopotamian empire. The word "Hebrew" is supposed to come from the Egyptian word "apiru," or "foreigner." This shows the nomadic tendencies of the Hebrew tribes before the movement into Egypt.


Resources: The Manual for Cultural Foundations of Ancient Civilizations compiled by Rosie Beniretto and Clay Elliot, pages 67 and 68.

See also: http://www.truthnet.org/biblicalarcheology/2/Patriarchalperiod.htm

--Rmarsh 20:41, 27 February 2012 (CST)