What was the significance of storage?

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Concepts

The evolution of containers is one of the ways we can trace the evolution of agriculture. These containers were crucial in storing an overflow of harvests. People in different stages of the agricultural revolution used different types of containers to store food and things. Nomads preferred containers that were lightweight and easy to carry, like leather or straw. Sometimes, they even dug holes in the ground. People who stayed in more permanent settlements used heavier and more functional storage units from sun-dried clay.


The storage pits that were used for plants proved very useful when it came to the harsher seasons. Storage was a great way to keep everyone fed in winters where food began to grow scarce. Instead of having to ration the food so that most people barely survive, they can get grains and other crops from their storage pits filled with extra food.

It is not known exactly why humans started this new storage thing, but it is certain that they knew exactly what they were doing and why. It is a common misconception that these people were not very smart, but they could've been smarter than us. As we were told that one day in class, they had to figure this stuff out the first time. We just grow up learning this stuff.

Reygan Jones

Origins Manual 63
