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21. Give a description of the physical environment.
"A heron with a smooth ornamental crest behind its goggled at him from the water, then stalked on it measuring-rod logs. The trees and pools, along with the reeds and lotus plants, were the haunt of pintails, rock pigeons, doves, and pied kingfishers."
This beautiful part of the Nile river is owned by Meren, and shows you the true beauty of Egypt's Nile river. The Nile river is 4184 miles long, runs north to south, and has seasonal, predictable floodings. About three miles on either sides of the Nile the nice fertile soil abruptly turns into complete desert. One of the huge advantages of this sheer drop off of life is that it made it near impossible for Egypt to be attacked on either side of the Nile. Since the Nile also ran North to South it allowed them to travel up and down the river with ease as you could go down towards the Mediterranean Sea using the current of the river. If you wanted to travel up the river you just let out your sails and you were on your way. Unlike Mesopotamia's unpredictable, unfruitful floodings, the Nile's floods were beneficial as they eliminated the problem of desalination due to the high silt content in the water.
== Bibliography ==
Eater of Souls
Thad Hutcheson
== ==
22. Give an example of class distinctions.
On page 199, "He'd taken off his wig and much of the heavy jewelry with which his body servant, Zar, had burdened him that morning, but Zar had replaced after Meren had bathed this evening. He'd been too preoccupied with the heart thefts to notice."
Meren doesn't really think of Zar as anything more than a body servant as indicated by the fact that Meren doesn't and is allowed to not notice his presence, which would be against custom with anyone of nobility. Meren, being of nobility himself, is not required to pay attention to those below him. Meren works on as Zar dresses him with his wig and jewelry, again an act that would be against custom. Also, Zar is informally introduced and not given much explanation or description.
== Bibliography ==
Robinson, Lynda S. Eater of Souls. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1997.
Andie Kapiloff

Revision as of 15:36, 6 January 2016

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