Chapter 13

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21. Give a description of the physical environment.

22. Give an example of class distinctions.

On page 199, "He'd taken off his wig and much of the heavy jewelry with which his body servant, Zar, had burdened him that morning, but Zar had replaced after Meren had bathed this evening. He'd been too preoccupied with the heart thefts to notice."

Meren doesn't really think of Zar as anything more than a body servant as indicated by the fact that Meren doesn't and is allowed to not notice his presence, which would be against custom with anyone of nobility. Meren works on as Zar dresses him with his wig and jewelry, again an act that would be against custom. Also, Zar is informally introduced and not given much explanation or description.


Robinson, Lynda S. Eater of Souls. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1997.

Andie Kapiloff