Step 8 Freedom to Live

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Hero's Journey from ''the Alchemist''

In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Santiago goes through many hardships along his journey to find the treasure but ends up with an astounding amount of freedom from ill will of his past and the anticipation of his future. At the end of the book Santiago "placed the Urim and Thummim in the chest. They were also a part of his new treasure, because they were a reminder of the old king, whom he would never see again. It's true: life really is generous to those who pursue their Personal Legend" (pg 170). This shows that although his journey was vigorous and difficult he sees the beauty in it all and places them with the rest of his treasure. He recognizes that his life is quintessential to what he has always longed for and is delighted to live in the moment.


Picture Citation:

Source Page. 170

Whitney Wilson