Hero's Journey from ''the Alchemist''

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Reading Notes The Alchemist

Work must be supported with citation of source. Book may be noted with page numbers. Any information from class notes may be cited as Class notes (date of lecture)or from a video Name of Video. You may not use Wikipedia as a source. Please sign your entry. Your notes should include definitions of unfamiliar or technical vocabulary terms as well as examples of concepts and theories covered in class lectures. This is NOT just a summary of the chapter. It is an example from the book of the concept. AN OUTSIDE ONLINE SOURCE IS REQUIRED.

step 1: The Call to Adventure

step 2: Refusal of the Call or quest

step 3: Supernatural Aid

Tallisman: (special often magical item)

Allies/Helpers: Assist the hero in accomplishing the task

step 4: Entering the unknown

step 5: Tests and the supreme Ordeal

step 6: The crossing of the Return Threshold

step 7: Master of the Two Worlds/Restoring the World

step 8 Freedom to Live